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Art Monaco14 – 5th Edition | April 24 – 27 @ Grimaldi Forum | Monaco

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Dal 24 al 27 aprile Monte-Carlo sarà adornata da opere d’arte famose e notevoli. Più di 70 gallerie internazionali completeranno la bellezza di questa fantastica cornice. Con oltre 4.000 opere d’arte, questa è un’occasione speciale per coloro che desiderano acquistare o vendere collezioni d’arte o per chi semplicemente desidera ammirarle.
Art Monaco compie il suo obiettivo con orgoglio presentando una nuova mostra internazionale con
la partecipazione di gallerie provenienti da paesi come la Germania, Armenia, Austria, Colombia, Cina, Polonia, Regno Unito, Svezia, Francia, Principato di Monaco, Russia, Repubblica Ceca, Belgio, Canada, Croazia, Spagna, Paesi Bassi, Libano, Estonia, Italia, Ucraina, Brasile, Stati Uniti, Israele e Svizzera.
Sotto la direzione di Johnessco Rodriguez – Opus Eventi, questa nuova edizione vi toglierà il fiato con opere eccezionali tra cui: opere dell’acclamato fotografo Kristian Schmidt con le sue impressionanti immagini di squali balena; la stravagante
ma interessante la collezione di Mauricio Velez dei Demoni e Angeli (Colombia); le sculture di bilanciamento di Kędziora (Polonia); la stupenda icona religiosa di Pavel Mitkov (Russia, presente in collezioni private di personaggi come Vladimir Putin);  le opere d’arte di Hakobyan Hrachia (Armenia); i dipinti ad olio di Anzel Muriel (Russia-Belgio), le sculture mistificanti di  Flory Menezes (Brasile).
Oltre ad essere aperto al pubblico, questo evento comprenderà anteprime black-tie e eventi privati dove le persone possono acquistare opere d’arte in un ambiente esclusivo il 24 e il 25 aprile 2014.

Opus Eventi in collaborazione con G.E.O. ospiterà una cena di gala di Sabato 26 presso l’Hotel de Paris , dove una parte dei proventi sono a favore dell’Associazione “Les amis du Liban à Monaco“, nonché l’Associazione d’arte, de la Culture et de la scène « AMACS».
Durante la serata Art Monaco presenterà gli Awards of Excellence per evidenziare e riconoscere quelle gallerie che si sono distinte per il loro operato.
Art Monaco è una piattaforma per artisti emergenti, un ponte tra gallerie, collezionisti e coloro che amano il lusso.

Biancoscuro Art Magazine, in occasione del salone artistico internazionale organizzato da Opus Eventi, sarà presente ad ART Monaco 2014 in qualità di media partner.

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Because life is also an ART !

Thursday April 24th
17h – 19h – Patron’s preview
19h- 22h – Vernissage night (VIP)
Friday April 25th 13h
à 17h – General Public
17h – 21h – Private Night (VIP)
Saturday April 26th
12h – 20h – General
21h  … – Gala, Hôtel de Paris
Sunday April 27th 12h à 19h – General Public

Pour la soirée Gala: Tél +377 6 07 93 31 42 –
Accréditation de presse & interviews: Tél +33 4 8306 6230 –



Art Monaco has been the fastest growing contemporary and modern art fair in the French Riviera. Now, it is pleased to host its first jubilee with its fifth edition that will take place from April 24th to the 27th. Dedicated to showcasing contemporary and modern art in an elegant and glamorous flare, this event is surely not to be missed. Once again, art and culture enthusiasts will find themselves being enchanted over exclusive artwork that will invade the Grimaldi Forum of Monaco.

During these four days, Monte-Carlo will be adorned with famous and remarkable artworks.

More than 70 international galleries will complement the beauty of the playground for the rich and famous. With over 4000 exhibits, this is a special opportunity for those wishing to buy or sell art collections or those who simply wish to be taken aback by one of a kind inspirational art creations presented in a variety of styles.

Art Monaco fulfills its goal by proudly presenting a new international exhibition with the participation of galleries coming from countries such as Germany, Armenia, Austria, Columbia,  China, Poland, United Kingdom, Sweden, France, Monaco, Russia, Czech Republic, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Spain, Netherlands, Lebanon, Estonia, Italy, Ukraine, Brazil, United States, Israel, Switzerland, amongst others. Under the direction of Johnessco Rodriguez from Opus Eventi, this new edition will take your breath away with many outstanding artworks to be showcased, including works from the acclaimed photographer Kristian Schmidt with his impressive whale sharks images, extravagant Mauricio Velez’s shocking yet interesting collection of Demons and Angels (Columbia), Jerzy Kedziora’s unique balancing sculptures (Poland), Pavel Mitkov’s beautiful religious icon paintings (Russia), which have found home in private collections of personalities such as Vladimir Putin and ThePope Jean Paul II, Hatarina Hallback Monnnier’s colorful and exotic paintings (United Kingdom), Hakobyan Hrachia’s lively artwork (Armenia), Anzel Muriel’s rich oil paintings (Russia, Belgium), Flory Menezes’ mystifying sculptures (Brazil), Carlo Aloe’s complex and intriguing art work, and many more.

Besides being open to the general public, this event will include black-tie previews and private openings where people can purchase artwork in an exclusive environment on April 24th and 25th. Also under the desire to give back to society and to support local humanitarian projects, Opus Eventi in collaboration with G.E.O. will host a Gala Dinner on Saturday the 26th at the Hotel de Paris, where part of the proceeds are for the benefit of La Association “Les amis du Liban à Monaco”; as well as L’Association d’art, de la Culture et de la scène «A.M.A.C.S.».

It is on this night when Art Monaco will present the AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE to highlight and recognise those galleries that go the extra-mille to promote the industry presenting quality exhibits at their best worldwide.

Having the reputation of successfully exhibiting modern and contemporary art in a very exclusive setting in the French Riviera, Art Monaco’s first jubilee is guaranteed to shine through.

Art Monaco will remain a platform for emerging artists and a bridge between galleries, collectors and those who love the luxurious pleasures of life.


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