17 ° Fiera Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea
ART ZURICH INTERNATIONAL sarà presentata il 15 ottobre 2015 e rimarrà visile fino al 18 ottobre 2014. L’INTERNATIONAL ART ZURICH è uno spazio espositivo moderno che ha saputo conquistarsi la fama di “Top location” per artisti, galleristi e collezionisti.

ART ZURICH INTERNATIONAL impressiona per il suo alto profilo nei campi della pittura, grafica, scultura e fotografia e i fatti lo dimostrano oltre 18.000 visitatori!
Ogni anno, nella Sala dei Congressi di Zurigo, una fiera d’arte non convenzionale, una piattaforma esclusiva creata per diffondere l’arte contemporanea dove il visitatore può trovare il suo giusto spazio.
The 17th International Art Fair proposes in 2015 a selection of international and contemporary art, in an exclusive location. ART INTERNATIONAL ZURICH is a forum which opens to a large public the actual art scene. ART INTERNATIONAL developed in the last years to a meeting point between artists, gallery owners and art-lovers, offering an essential space for contacts, sales and cultural exchange.
The annual Art Fair created in the Congress Hall of Zurich an exclusive platform to diffuse contemporary art. ART INTERNATIONAL offers each year a relaxed relation with modern and young art, also away from the conventions of the art market. Each visitor can find here an artistic space at his convenience.

6° Senso Art Gallery
Roma, Italy
Artbox Schweiz
Beckenried, Switzerland
The Artfactory Club
Vienna, Austria
artspace chez L
Zurich, Switzerland
BB Contemporary
Zurich, Switzerland
Contemporary Fine Arts
Backnang, Germany
Ina Dederer & Friends
Zurich, Switzerland
Gallery 11
Tbilisi, Georgia
Galerie Zum Harnisch
Allschwil, Switzerland
IberArt Gallery
Berlin, Germany
InterArt Gallery Gor
Praha, Czech Republic
Kaiser Art
Genova, Italy
Leverentz Workshop
Winterthur, Switzerland
Lolo Loren / represented by I. Legal & Art B.V.
Ibiza, Spain
Orleansky Gallery
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Porter & Pin
Hunzenschwil, Switzerland
Quantum Contemporary Art
London, United Kingdom
Gallery Sakiko
New York, USA
SamSim Art Gallery
Seoul, South Korea
San Giorgio International
Lugano, Switzerland
Zug, Switzerland
Smart Ship Gallery
Tokyo, Japan
Art by Taty
Geneva, Switzerland
Ten Arts
Le Vésinet, France
Galerie Vitrine Luzern
Luzern, Switzerland

Vision IV
100×70 cm
Echandens, Switzerland
alpengluehen art group (aag)
Zurich, Switzerland
Murielle Argoud
Morges, Switzerland
Kerstin Arnold
Saarbruecken, Germany
Elisa Bernasconi-Bertogg
Remetschwil, Switzerland
Alexandra von Burg
Tesserete, Switzerland
Ricardo Carbajal Moss
Warth, Switzerland
Barbara Egin
Freiburg, Germany
Dominique Filée
La Cadière d’Azur, France
Kelly Fischer
Bern, Switzerland
Virginia Garcia Costa
Niederweningen, Switzerland
Armando Garlun
Mexico / Pully, Switzerland
Daniela Gauch
Greppen, Switzerland
Fredi Gertsch
Burgdorf, Switzerland
Nadia Heitmar
Gruet, Switzerland
Meihua Huang
Horw, Switzerland
Wolfgang Kappeler
Huettwilen, Switzerland
Narate Kathong
Samutprakarn, Thailand
Peter Keller
UK / Izmir, Turkey
Elena Lagun
Feusisberg, Switzerland
Embrach, Switzerland
Loboda Studio
Prague, Czech Republic
Catherine Ludeau
Santeny, France
Katia Mandelli Ghidini
Morcote, Switzerland
Simone Monney
Gland, Switzerland
Andy Nanz
Staefa, Switzerland
Katia Neboit Croze
Vaires sur Marne, France
Helene Oertig
Regensdorf, Switzerland
Hassan J. Richter
Werder/Kemnitz, Germany
Marie-Noëlle Ronayette
Forcalquier, France
Ana Saviaux
Grandvaux, Switzerland
Isabella Sedeka
Berlin, Germany
Susan Sieg
Hamburg, Germany
Jim ter Kuile
Muenster, Germany
Stephan Venekas
Rochefort du Gard, France
Michael Wendel
Opfikon, Switzerland
Natalia Wüst
Zumikon, Switzerland
Gisela Zimmermann
Dietikon, Switzerland
Maura Patrizia Zoller
Eich, Switzerland
Theresia Züllig
Wittenbach, Switzerland
Nachlass Jean Lehmann
Hirzel, Switzerland
TAT-Shona Art Gallery
Gisikon, Switzerland

INFO ART INTERNATIONAL ZURICH 17th International Art Fair Kongresshaus (Congress hall) Zurich, Switzerland October 16 - 18, 2015 / Open daily 11 am - 8 pm Vernissage: October 15, 6 - 10 pm (Music: SOULSAX)